City Project: |
Recycled Robots:Fourth grade students got to create their very own recycled robots. First they had to create a sketch and a list of materials that they thought they could get from home to create their robots. I send home a letter to parents explaining the project. Students brought their materials in and I helped them hot glue their robots together. Finally they were required to name their robots and write a short story about what their robots do.
Picasso Printmaking:Third graders created a series of three additive prints after learning about Pablo Picasso.
Fifth Grade:
Cityscapes:This was a class wide collaborative project. We started by making a list of buildings that we wanted to include in our city. Then students voted on a name for their cities both classes have different names (Midnight Moonville and Pork-o-polis). Then students worked on their buildings, we decided on the placement of the buildings and created the exhibit in the hallway.
Collagraphs:Fifth grade students created their own collagraphs using glue, foam, cardboard, etc. Then they used these stamps during the following class to create their prints.
Hoops for Heart T-Shirts:Students are silk screen printing their hoops for heart t-shirts. After deciding on a class design, I burned the image into the screen so that we could print together as a class. This will fulfill Ohio Standards Producing and Performing 4 PR: Select and use the elements and principles of art and design to communicate understanding of an interdisciplinary concept.